Sunday, February 24, 2008

Websites Revisited

hmm, so some of the websites I posted last weren't the most up-to-date.

Check out Diana Ho and Cannaday Chapman's blogging apparatuses here:

Diana Ho!

Cannaday Chapman!

Also, Nick Zutrau's state of the art message to the people can be viewed in various places, the most optimal being his Flickr account:

Nick Zutrau!

Additionally, the top secret project Teylor and I are working on with our studio mates is coming along....yesterday we had an art jam and made some interesting collaborative drawings; I'll post a sneak preview when we're closer to putting them up in a group show.

Here's a few old sketchbook pages, after reading all this text it's like a fluffy desert for your eyes:

Friday, February 22, 2008

tomorrow, tomorrow

here's that work I promised in my previous post...

Dead people I like:

Jim Henson, gouache and digital:.

Sketch from Truman Capote Story, Other Voices, Other Rooms.

heath ledger in the movie, "I'm Not There".

Fred McFeely Rogers:

Opening at the Society

went to the society of illustrators show; I'm so lucky to be in new york. I went with a big group of awesome people from the studios, harrassed even more awesome illustrators, who were very kind and good sports about a mob of us in full regalia, passing out business cards and yapping ourselves blue. I've been submitting work to all the competitions and just making work.


p.s. i filmed a regrettable segment of this evening on behalf of the society, somehow documenting "artists who inspire me". I'm pretty sure I just babbled about zohar lazar and david park.
additionally, I saw seth mulvey, who is keeping busy with storyboarding...his stuff here.

Also check out my friends here:

Yoko: Yoko Furusho.
Victor: Victor Marchand Kerlow.
Nick: Nicholas Zutrau.
Cannaday: Cannaday Chapman.
Diana: Diana Ho.

I'll post stuff tomorrow when blogger is being less of an enigma. for sure.