Friday, August 27, 2010

Foxy Lady

I'm in this Pin-Up themed show Saturday night. Come by!

Nearby there is a food truck selling real crawfish and catfish and fried pickles. I'll be eating there most of the day, I suspect.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

skate spot

Drawing America By Bike

Eric Clausen once paid off thousands in medical and dental bills (acquired by a nasty bike accident) by creating Drawings for 30 Bucks. Now he's traveling around America to draw for Americans, and see how they're doing in this recession.

Here's the featured video on

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Support an Ethnomusicologist With Initiative to Change the World

She is a budding Ethnomusicologist, and my sister. She's departing in two weeks to Salvador de Bahia and I am very excited for her. Please help support her journey by checking out her blog and considering a small donation--every amount helps. I know she will use this trip to change the world!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Facebook Friends Part One

I'm attempting to draw everyone I am friends with via the popular social networking site, Facebook.  Perhaps I am corny and un-profound.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

baby girl

I went upstate this weekend and saw my sister and dad, they are amazing. I met a tattoo artist on the bus who fell asleep.